LEI Registration Consultants
LEI Registration Consultants
LEI registration consultants are individuals or companies who can help companies obtain an LEI code. A LEI is a global identification number for companies and is issued by an accredited Local Operating Unit (LOU). LEI numbers are used by financial institutions and regulators to track and identify participants in financial markets. The registration process only requires a few changes to the company's information and is completed within a day. An LEI is valid for one year. The cost to renew an LEI is approximately INR 11000.
When choosing a LEI Registration Consultant, make sure that the company is reputable. Many organizations prefer to buy from large, well-known organizations such as the LSE or Bloomberg, but there are smaller, less known LEI providers that you can trust. If you have any doubts, call the potential LEI provider and ask questions.
The UK National Numbering Agency is one such company. They provide high-quality data as well as knowledgeable customer service. For a small fee, these experts can register your company with the LEI system. Typically, an LEI registration takes only a few minutes and is completed within 99 seconds.
LEI registration is a requirement for many legal entities in 2018. All legal entities engaging in regulated financial transactions must have an LEI number. There are currently 2.1 million LEIs registered around the world and the number is only going to grow exponentially. The European Banking Authority (EBA) has backed the further adoption of LEIs. In addition, RBI India has mandated the use of LEIs in payment transactions.
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